Station 1
Jesus was alone. He was condemned by those around him. He went through many trials. He was beaten and was to be put to death. They started to the place where Jesus was to be crucified.
Dear Jesus,
We know you were alone. We know you will be put to death even though you haven’t done anything wrong. Please help me to remember this tough time for you. Help me think of you when I judge others or they judge me. And when I have hard times I think of you. Thank you for doing all that you did to save everyone. In your name I pray. Amen
Station 2
People want to crucify Jesus. Pontius Pilate doesn’t want to crucify him. He tried everything that his mind told him to do to change the crowd’s mind but nothing works. He washed his hand in front of the people saying “This is a righteous boy”. He gives Jesus to the men to be crucified.
Dear God,
Jesus carries his cross. He knows it isn’t easy but he carried it the same. I get unhappy with the troubles that I have. I get upset when people tell me to do things for them. I do not want to take my cross. Give me the strength to take my cross as you did, loving God. Help us to see God in all places. God took his cross with no complaint. When I’m tempted to complain help me recognize Jesus and the cross he takes for me.
This I asked Christ our Lord. Amen.
Station 3
They leave the city. Jesus is struggling. He falls. The soldiers lift him up. Jesus keeps going.
Dear Jesus,
You had a heavy burden carrying the cross. But you never gave up. You kept going. You fell but you got up. You were persistent and never quit. Help me to be persistent and never stop trying at stuff I want or need. Help me to trust in you to help me get through tough times. In your name I pray. Amen.
Station 4
At this station Jesus meets his mother. Mary is sad because Jesus is going to die on the cross and Mary knows it. She will miss her child.
Dear God,
Help us know Jesus died on the cross for us. Help us to remember that Jesus loves us like a mother. Amen
Station 5
At this station Simon helps Jesus carry the cross. Simon helps Jesus carry the heavy cross for Jesus’ crucifixion. Simon is a good friend to Jesus.
Dear God,
Help us to help others by doing things for them. We could be a friend, listen to them and other things. Help us be like Simon. Amen
Station 6
Imagine you are carrying a heavy cross. Suddenly you see hope. You see a woman standing there with a cloth to wipe your face. She rushes toward you, but the guards pull her back. You carry on.
Dear God,
I want to stand out in a crowd to help someone in need like Veronica, give them hope like Veronica gave Jesus. Help me help another. Amen
Station 7
Jesus is getting tired. Jesus is getting weaker. He falls. He keeps trying to get up. He gets up and moves on.
Dear Jesus,
You didn’t give up. Sometimes I want to quit because sometimes it’s not easy. When things get hard please help me. God help me see Jesus in all things. Help me to keep trying my best when I fall. I ask this through Jesus Christ. Amen
Station 8
Jesus meets the women. They are crying for him because he is going to die on the cross. He says, “Do not cry for me. Cry for you and your children. I am going to be with my Father”.
Dear Jesus:
You see the women. You try to make them feel better. You say, “Do not cry for me because I am going to heaven to be with my father. Cry for you and your children.” Help me try to make others feel better. Amen
Station 9
Almost to your destination you fall. From the pain of the whips and from the heavy cross you fall. If anything could get worse you fall.
Dear God,
Let me have the strength to carry on. Let me have the courage to keep going. Help me be stronger. Amen
Station 10
The soldiers divided up Jesus’ clothes. They rolled dice to see who got his robe.
Dear Jesus,
Was it embarrassing getting stripped in front of all those people? How did it feel? Please help us when we feel embarrassed or ashamed. Amen
Station 11
The soldiers forced Jesus onto the cross, nailing both wrists to the cross, the same with both of his feet.
Dear Jesus,
Sometimes I say things that hurt people. You put your arms of great love open on the cross. Help me not to hurt people with my words. Amen.
Station 12
Jesus is dying. The people are sad. Then Jesus dies. A big earthquake comes up that splits open tombs. The soldiers say “This must be the Son of God.”
Dear God,
You sent Jesus to save us. Did you know that Jesus would die on the cross? Did you want Jesus to die on the cross? Amen
Station 13
Sabbath is coming fast. The crucified ones have to be taken off before the celebration of the Sabbath begins. The soldier stabs Jesus with a sword to be sure he is dead. The crowd hurries away to their houses to prepare for the Sabbath.
Dear Jesus,
How bad was your death? Were they gentle when they removed you from the cross? Help me to treat others like I want to be treated. Amen.
Station 14
Everyone goes home. Some of the people and Mary go to the tomb. Joseph and John carry Jesus to the tomb. They lay him on a rock bench inside the tomb and the men put a big rock in the entrance to block it.
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for sending your only son. Help me to be like Jesus. Help me to share my life and love. Help me take up my cross and walk where you want me to walk.
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