Monday, December 3, 2007

Reflections on Gratitude

We are officially in the Season of Advent. Traditionally a time to be prayeful and reflective. A time to examine our lives and consider how we are participating in God's desire for us, and for the world. A time when we can wonder about the new things God is sirring up in us. Spiritual disciplines are a wonderful way we strive to be connected to God's desire. Spiritual disciplines include many things, prayer is one, and reflection is a form of prayer. For the season of Advent I will offer a daily reflection on gratitude. In this season of shopping and busyness I hope to offer a contrast, a brief opportunity to stop and remember all that have, the blessings of this life.

So on this second day of Advent I am grateful for the willingness of this parish to try new things. We do this in so many ways. But, today, in particular, I am grateful for the choir members who led us through a beautiful chanting of the psalm on Sunday. We pray the Psalm. Singing is also a form of prayer. So, when we sing the Psalm it's as if we have prayed twice. And the handbells added a rich mystical quality to our prayer. I am grateful for the creativity we bring forth in our worship.

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